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Old Thu Apr 12, 2007, 11:39am
LMan LMan is offline
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Originally Posted by MarionTiger
Okay, thanks. So without names on the jerseys, how is this verified?
I suggest a 'retina scan'. But seriously, does your league have an issue with 11 year old kids running around under assumed names? Call the kid's name loudly, and see who turns around....


I've been in the other situation as well, where the number was right, but the name on the line up card did not match the name on the jersey, and was told the number was what mattered.
That's incorrect, as was pointed out earlier.

Is it so difficult to have ALL of the information correct? I must admit, I have not looked very hard for a written rule on this, but will do so. Seems a given the accuracy of this would be mandatory.
Well, you sometimes have kids who show up without a jersey and borrow one, etc. But that's an issue for your league and your coaches. The umpire should check over the lineup at the plate meeting for duplicate numbers, names, etc. But if the numbers and names don't conflict on the lineup but there's still an error, that's all he can do at that time. He ain't going to the dugout to check IDs.
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