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Old Thu Apr 12, 2007, 09:46am
MarionTiger MarionTiger is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 34
Thanks for all of your responses.

The bucket thing is obvious to me, but I cannot find a rule on it.

On the pitcher replacement, I certainly could have phrased it better. I think I have the answer I was looking for now, thanks. Per MLB/SS rules, there is no limit on how many times I can visit the mound without removing the pitcher, per game. Per pitcher per inning, sure, but there is no limit on how many times per game...

Also, we continuously run into instances where the line-up provided to us has either the wrong name, or number. When I appeal to the home umpire that the number is wrong, I almost always get, "well, the name is right though, so it is okay." Well, not every team has names on the jerseys. It amazes me how much we run into this, and further amazes me how it doesn't matter. It doesn't make me mad because this is just 11yo travel ball, but at some point, it will matter I hope. Otherwise, why do we need a line up at all?

thanks again...
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