#13--One again the umpire was scheduled to work a varsity game. His obligation is to that game, not any other game that might be added or requested to do by the official. I guess if the school said we were moving the game a couple of hours earlier, the officials are supposed to just throw out their personal interests because the game was moved.
From the original thread
Two innings into the game, the Home Team Coach calls for time, and informs me the JV umpire has not shown up yet. For this league, we are supposed to split, with the Base Umpire suiting up and working the JV game.[/QUOTE]
When the official signed up to umpire for THIS league and there are no Umpires who showed up for the JV game, then the BU according to the Protocol established is suposed to do the JV game.
IMO it's cut and dry. The only comment I would have that would not be fair is if the offficial was paid the JV rate. That I disagree with, but as long as this official was paid the Varsity Fee and probably 1/2 extra for working solo I do not see a problem. It's not like he had to travel to do the JV game.
This association also has cause to suspend this official for not abiding by the association requirements as Nick indicated in the original thread.
If this official STRICTLY wants to umpire Varsity games and is unwilling to accept the protocol that when no umpires show-up for a JV game the BU is required to suit up and do the JV game, then he should either join a different association or make this perfectly CLEAR to the assignor.
If this official did that, my guess is that his assignments in the future would vastly decrease.
Pete Booth