Originally Posted by tribefan1952
Well said. When he joined the association, he made an agreement. The code of ethics for baseball umpires (2007 NFHS Umpires Manual, pp. 6-7) also has a few things to say about this situation:
1. Honor all contracts regardless of possible inconvenience or financial loss.
7. Give your complete cooperation to the schools you serve and to the state association which you represent.
13. Keep in mind that the game is more important than the wishes of any individual player or the ambitions of any individual umpire.
Here is my response to what you just posted.
#1--He honored the contract and showed up. He was assigned a varsity game, not a JV game.
#7--Cooperation with a school does not mean do anything they want. If the school said we want to pay you $20 and the contract says $60, would that be acceptable too? Last time I checked the school does not have the right to take advantage because they make a request.
#13--One again the umpire was scheduled to work a varsity game. His obligation is to that game, not any other game that might be added or requested to do by the official. I guess if the school said we were moving the game a couple of hours earlier, the officials are supposed to just throw out their personal interests because the game was moved.
I think you really you have little understanding of the code of ethics. Officials are not at the beck and call of the schools to do what ever they like. They have the right to make requests, but we have the right to refuse those requests. There is a reason there are contracts to not only protect the schools but to protect the officials as well.