Originally Posted by WestMichBlue
Are you sure? From the video aftermath it appears the umpires called interference - or incidental contact. But they allowed the out.
To steal Dakota's thunder - did the pitcher have control of the ball prior to contact by the B-R? If yes, the call is interference. Can you see deviation (slowup) on the part of the B-R before the pitcher got the ball? Then call obstruction. (NFHS specifically rules this way this year. 2-47.3: Initial play, step and a reach definition)
Lordie.. since when is contact required for OBS? The runner is obstructed before possession, its clear.
I'll admit I dont know College Baseball rules.. but I highly doubt that is in there that contact is required.
For NFHS I KNOW contact is not required for OBS. But I know many BB umps love to rule everything a train wreck, so it may not get called.
For ASA, there is exactly 0 question that this is OBS IMO.
Interference is a laughable request by the protesting team.