Originally Posted by OHBBREF
If she picked up the ball it could not have been a double (illegal) dribble - that requires you to dribble again after holding the ball. It could have been ruled a travel, but I think not.
She clearly fumbled the ball while trying to pass.
However, I do not think she could dribble again with out it being ruled an illegal dribble, because she had put two hands on the ball prior to the fumble.
I thought when I first saw it that she could pick it up....but with my DVR instant replay on my couch and the beneft of unlimited replays
Player dribbled, picked up the ball with both hands to throw to a teammate. Her teammate's back is turned and the defender was going to steal the pass.
Player reroutes the ball back towards herself and it bounces on the floor in front of her.
The only thing you have to determine on this play is if she fumbled the ball or purposely choose not to throw it b/c of the defender. IMO she was purposely not throwing it for that reason, therefore it would have been a double dribble IF she had touched the ball again.
I do agree with JoeTheRef that she should have just picked it up and taken the chance.