Some things I noticed from the 1st half.
19:35 Oden & Horford get locked up in paint and continue all the way up the court. I'm sure the crew was probably thinking "Oh great here we go"
13:17 Great call on red player pushing white player under the basket. It was during a throw-in.
12:00 Fast transition play where red player "reaches" across body of white player but looks like zero contact and especially no disadvantage.
3:09 Oden knocks the ball away after he dunks the ball. Should have been a delay of game warning!
23.0 -> 12.3 seconds! This is the time that ran off the clock when the trail runs ahead of the ball handler and doesn't even look at him for 5 seconds (0:20 -> 0:15). What if he accidently double dribbles or something else happens (like a ten second back court violation)

It serves NO purpose to run ahead of the play. I've ssen this a couple of times during the tournament.
Half Time Skit: "Hand" me the trash can so that I can puke