Originally Posted by tmp44
This is an incorrect mechanic. Once the L picks up the ball in the deep corner in his/her primary, it is now the trail's responsibility to watch the post. If the L would simply "turn his head," L would have no idea how either the offensive player or the defensive player got there.
So, again, if the L picks up the ball in the deep corner, the trail picks up the post action.
True on the first part, but once the Lead doesn't have anything to officiate in the deep corner, he comes down to get that and has primary over the play. The T will verifiy thru eye contact that the L now has the play and be secondary on the play. Kind of like when you have the dribbler from the T and he moves into the C's primary. The minute he picks up the dribble, it is now C's responsibly. You still need eye contact from the C before you let it go.