Thread: Held Ball /TO?
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Old Wed Mar 28, 2007, 02:41pm
Damien Damien is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Broadview Heights, Ohio
Posts: 11
Yes, I guess I over thought the play. Here it the rule along with a very similar case play from the 2007 NCAA Rule Book:

Section 43. Kicking the Ball
Art. 1. Kicking the ball is striking it intentionally with any part of the leg
or the foot.
Art. 2. Accidentally striking the ball with the foot or leg shall not be a
A.R. 98. A1 is on the floor with the ball lodged between the upper part of the legs. B1
attempts to gain possession of the ball by placing two hands firmly on the ball; however,
A1 applies vice-like force with the upper legs, which prevents B1 from gaining possession
of the ball. RULING: A1 has committed a violation. The intent of this rule is to prevent
a player from gaining an advantage by using any part of the leg. Although A1 did not kick
or strike the ball with any part of the leg, the player did gain an illegal advantage, which
may also lead to undue roughness. Since A1 was not holding the ball in his or her hands,
B1’s firm placement of his or her hands on the ball does not constitute a held ball.
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