Originally Posted by Damien
No where in my post or the ESPN article does it cite ANYWHERE where ANYONE verified these comments. She's the only one who heard them. Also, like I said, I wasn't commenting on the fact that this guy may or may not have said anything racial, my point was the simple fact that she's complaing that she's getting heckled. She's saying that this doesnt happen in sports, and it does. That was my point.
Actually in the article it does say that they talked to people who said the man used inappropriate comments. But in tennis that could be BOO.
It is Tennis for G^&'s sake - it used to be you weren't alowed on the court if you were not wearing white.
You have to be quiet while a person throws the ball to themselves to hit with an objet the size of a large frying pan!
What is next you won't be able to yell "hey batter batter swing" in knothole?
Grow up little girl the world is a harsh place!
My appologies to Ms. Williams if in any way that comment made you feel uncomfortable