Originally Posted by bellnier
What tell-tale signs are there that a defender is flopping in order to try to draw a foul? ...
That loud grunt and a body on the floor. kind of sounds like a backhand in womens tennis match! that is 99 out of a 100 times going to be a flop.
The rules are not different but the emphasis is different from Men's to Women's - Womens specifically uses displacement as a definition and point of emphasis.
If that kind of back down happens in a womens game there is going to be some kind of call. Usually the defender will put the double arm bar on the dribbler or fail to get legal guarding position by putting the knee up between the offensive players legs before the charge is called.
the call revolves around the defender having legal guarding position and there is only one way to establish it, but many ways to lose once you have it.
I think it should be similar in the mens game but I will let someone working in the mens end deal with that.