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Old Sun Mar 25, 2007, 08:10pm
RPatrino RPatrino is offline
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w_sohl, you are correct, that is the way we enforce it here on the left coast. Now, if a coach did that to me, he would spend the next several minutes putting everything back in the dugout, post haste. His next option would be to watch the game from the comfort of the bench, and his final option would be to start warming up the bus.

My second concern is why does this coach have an umpires number on speed dial? HMMMM, we have problems in River City. I would be very curious about this relationship. I would have never even taken the coach's phone in the first place, apart from being curious about who in my association is on that coach's speed dial.

Seems to me like someone has allowed this coach to believe that he controls the game, and somebody needs to 're-educate' this individual.
Bob P.

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