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Old Sun Mar 25, 2007, 07:39pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
I see the problem. You don't. If the thrower was still holding the ball OOB when the clock started, and the whistle then went off before the ball even left the thrower's hands, you'd still give it to the other team if they had the arrow under your goofy interpretation.

Completely freaking ridiculous!
That's true, but it's not MY interpretation. That is the way the rules currently read. I agree that result is ridiculous.

However, what is even more ridiculous is YOU stating that, but failing to cite some other rule which governs that situation. You can't do it because you know that there isn't another one that applies. You could only point to 2-3.

This is a clear gap in the NFHS rules and should be fixed.
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