Thread: Slow Pitch Umps
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Old Sat Mar 24, 2007, 02:59pm
jimpiano jimpiano is offline
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Originally Posted by scottk_61
Presumtious of me to bash you???????????????
That could be but I doubt it.
I do bash umpires that make the real umpires look stupid by your omission of proper mechanics.
The signal you describe DOES INDEED violate standards covered by ASA for you to say otherwise is arrogant and stupid thus worthy of bashing.
One of my goals has been to use any means necessary to get sub-standard umpires to improve their game.
That has included being blunt, rude, beratting in fun and sometimes telling an umpire to go home.
It has also included having tons of fun, teaching, exhorting, etc.
It also has included the pleasure of seeing those who are teachable reach a deserved regional and national assignment.

Hey, if you are content to be a slug and stink up the field, so be it.
Just don't expect any kind words from real umpires, Ok?
I have seen over 30 different rule books and umpire's manuals(or variastions) since I started umpiring. The suggested mechanics have changed dozens of times. The constants center on hustle, a thorough knowledge of the rules, and to dress and behave professionally.

I made a comment about a technique that hundreds of ASA umpires, and others, use and said I liked it. It is well within the parameters of techniques that each umpire uses to manage a game.

You may not like the technique which is your choice.

Your responses, however, hardly reflect the level of achievement you claim to have.
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