Originally Posted by JRutledge
It is news worthy because the AD was acting like an idiot and public and that to some people's surprise he was not punished. Now this might not important to Illini fans, but it is important to others watching and judging the program. It might hurt some parent that would send their kid to that school. That is newsworthy in my opinion.
Ok, well just because I'm feelin' argumentative today - you don't have a problem with using the exact same word to describe him in this public forum as he used in reference to the player. Shouldn't we all be held to the same standards?
What about coaches? I have certainly heard coaches use much worse words directly to players' faces during games and practices. Where's the transcripts of those statements in the papers or on-line articles? Shouldn't they be held to the same standards as AD's? Shouldn't those types of comments be known by parents and others watching the program? If not, why not? Why shouldn't the coachs' behavior be more important, because they are dealing directly with the kids? Would you agree Bo Schembechler said and did worse things during his tenure as coach and AD? As a Michigan fan, would you also call him an idiot as well because of that? Or are your comments based on being a fan of a rival school?
Like I said, he probably shouldn't have said it. But what was said and done doesn't seem to be all that newsworthy in this day and age, other than the original writer found something negative to say. I'd feel the same way if the article was talking about Bill Martin, or any local high school AD.