Originally Posted by JRutledge
I realize you are an Illini fan and you do not want to look down on this school or the people associated, but come on. You know doggone well that behavior is not acceptable. This has nothing to do with Bobby Knight and what Knight has done in the past. This is and administrator that is calling names of players in his program. That is not acceptable despite how good he is in other aspects of his life. Then he makes the coach and players uncomfortable with his actions as well. I am all for passion of any fan or even people close to a program. But you have to behave in a manner that you do not cross the line.
Yep, he shouldn't have said the "idiot" comment. And he will be the first to tell you he was wrong in blurting that out. But what else in the article is really newsworthy, or "over the line"? Is pounding a table an example of an AD out of control? Like I said before, he needs to learn how to show a different public face, and I think he is definitely more aware of that. But his passion needs to stay.