Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Fair enough point. I thought I knew the answer, because it doesn't make sense to me to start the count before the ball is in bounds. But, before I read it in this thread, I would have never guessed you wouldn't start the count over completely in this situation. Therefore, I thought it was at least worth asking the question to clarify for me. I didn't mean to insinuate that FIBA rules were written by Vulcans.
The eight seconds in the backcourt rule was modified three years ago, making it similar to the shot clock rule. The eight second count in the backcourt used to restart from 8 every time a player started team control of a live ball in the backcourt. Now the count is not reset when the ball becomes dead for going OOB or for a jump ball situation (held ball, double foul) if the same team maintains the possession (because of the AP arrow, of course, in the latter case).