Thread: Fiba
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Old Thu Mar 22, 2007, 12:50am
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Originally Posted by canuckrefguy
You being an experienced, knowledgeable official, I was just surprised that you would even ask that.

People have this idea that FIBA rules is like playing on Mars or something - when in fact, it's still basketball....fouls, travelling, double-dribble - most of the basic, major stuff is the same.
Fair enough point. I thought I knew the answer, because it doesn't make sense to me to start the count before the ball is in bounds. But, before I read it in this thread, I would have never guessed you wouldn't start the count over completely in this situation. Therefore, I thought it was at least worth asking the question to clarify for me. I didn't mean to insinuate that FIBA rules were written by Vulcans.
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