Originally Posted by Scrapper1
Aren't there also some differences in the basket interference rules. I'm pretty sure that at some point, the rule was that once the ball hit the rim, all GT and BI rules were "discontinued" (so to speak). So as long as the shot had already hit the rim, you could go into the cylinder to rebound it, or dunk it, or whatever. Is that still true?
There is no cylinder altogether. A passage can be catched and dunked even directly above the basket. When the ball hits the ring on a try, the ball is playable by everybody, unless it is
in the basket (that is, some part of it is under ring level inside the basket) when only an offensive player can touch it.
It is of course forbidden to reach through the basket from below and touch the ball; unfortunately, after the ball has touched the ring, this is not BI, but a simple violation. There are rumors that this will be changed back to BI.
Touching the ball
when it is completely above ring level after it has hit the backboard is goal tending (it doesn't matter, in this case, the direction of the flight, upward or downward).