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Old Sun Mar 18, 2007, 07:54pm
justanotherblue justanotherblue is offline
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Originally Posted by ctblu40
But in their infinite wisdom, they allow the pitcher to go to his mouth while in contact with the rubber... they are geniuses at FED HQ, you gotta admit.

I would suggest using the rule and case book on that one. Both have it right. That is... it's illegal while in contact with the rubber to go to the mouth regardless with runners on or not, balk with. Look at 6-2-1A in the case book. Those wonderful Fed interps or is it twerps... have it wrong. This will also keep you from pulling out your teeth and hair tying to figure out how they could come up with such a ruling. I also keeps it in line with all other rules sets. That was their intent IMHO.
Its' not a matter of being right or wrong, it's a matter of working hard to get it right.
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