Originally Posted by Theisey
Say, have you been watching those two topics over on the NFHS forum? The one called "another goal line question" and "receiving a kick right at the line". Why is there so much confusion over the results of those plays? What are our books missing in definitions and rules that make these plays so difficult to rule on. I just don't see it, but from the responses, confusion reigns.
Well, I started the second one - doesn't seem to be too much confusion, other than when I first replied to a play in a different thread, I'd forgotten about the momentum exception.
As for the other thread, most of the argument is over what constitutes a catch. The definition is there, but it's really very difficult to pin down exactly what should and should not be a catch without a page-and-a-half of text. The NCAA has some very solid direction about what they want to be a catch, but it's not really in the book. The NFHS has no such top-down guidance, certainly not with the large number of film clips needed to really make it crystal clear.