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Old Sat Mar 17, 2007, 04:29pm
Theisey Theisey is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob M.
I was suggesting a change such that the pylon be placed completely inbounds so that its outside edge corresponds to the inside edge of the sideline. That way there would be no confusion whatsoever that if the ball hit the pylon-whether loose or in player possession, then it had to cross the goal line inbounds. I can't think of any downsides to that other than the possibility of a player tripping over it.
Sorry for a late reply, I've been busy doing other things..

All we really need are some better words in the rule book, case book and a few good illustrations to describe what happens when a ball, loose or in player possession passes to the inside of the pylon, over the top of the pylon or to the outside of the pylon.

We have some words today, but they still seems to bring up questions and cause unnecessary confusion of what to rule.

Placement of a pylon fully inbounds would cause more trouble as I see it if a loose ball would to hit it and deflect into the EZ. We have some pylons up here that while made of rubber, would take 100 MPH winds to knock them over. So a loose ball striking it could easily be kept inbounds.

I just don't see why this is causing so much grief.

Say, have you been watching those two topics over on the NFHS forum? The one called "another goal line question" and "receiving a kick right at the line". Why is there so much confusion over the results of those plays? What are our books missing in definitions and rules that make these plays so difficult to rule on. I just don't see it, but from the responses, confusion reigns.
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