Originally posted by RecRef
Lets brake this down into two parts.
Just last night I made 2 charge calls that you would have let go if you stick to the no call on a shoulder hit. In game one B was in a 2-3 zone with B1 and B2 guarding with less than 2 feet between them, not to say anything about 3 feet. A1 tried to split them and hit both on the shoulders.
So far, I have no call. What happened next?
In the second game A1 is driving the baseline with B2 set and blocking A1s way on the baseline. (B1 was already beat and was following the play.) At the last possible moment B2 cowers and taking a side step moves away from the baseline but still within 3 feet of it. A1 hits him on the shoulder and both go down. Charge on A1.