Mon Mar 12, 2007, 09:37pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: North Carolina
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Originally Posted by jkumpire
A question for our Fed folks here:
How do you call/teach the FPSR?
Q- R1, 1 out. BR hits to F4, who throws to F6 at 2B. F6 has one foot on the bag, 1 foot outside the baseline (i.e. to the outfield).
R1 slides with lead foot to the outfield side of the bag, but not to the bag. He makes no contact or alters the play of F6 making the turn. You as the PU or BU based on the throw:
A. R1 did not slide into the bag, dead ball, R1's out and BR is out.
B. R1 made no contact with the fielder and did not alter the play of F6. No FPSR violation.
I'll withold my comment for now. Thank you for yours.
By rule, R1 is guilty of FPSR violation. He will do it correctly the next time.