Thread: six in the game
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Old Sat Mar 10, 2007, 09:25pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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As Mick said it depends upon when the officials recognized the technical foul. If it was after the try, then the ball was live and the goal has to count. If it was before the try was released then the ball became dead at that time and no goal is scored.
There is no direct statement for this play in the books, you have to connect the dots between a few different rules.

ART. 1 . . . A goal is made when a live ball enters the basket from above and remains in or passes through. No goal is scored if an untouched throw-in goes through the basket.

The ball becomes dead, or remains dead, when:
ART. 1 . . . A goal, as in 5-1, is made.
ART. 2 . . . It is apparent the free throw will not be successful on a:
a. Free throw which is to be followed by another free throw.
b. Free throw which is to be followed by a throw-in.
ART. 3 . . . A held ball occurs, or the ball lodges between the backboard and ring or comes to rest on the flange.
ART. 4 . . . A player-control or team-control foul occurs.
ART. 5 . . . Anofficial's whistle is blown (see exceptions a and b below).
ART. 6 . . . Time expires for a quarter or extra period (see exception a below).
ART. 7 . . . A foul, other than player- or team-control, occurs (see exceptions a, b and c below).
ART. 8 . . . A free-throw violation by the throwing team, as in 9-1, occurs.
ART. 9 . . . A violation, as in 9-2 through 13, occurs (see exception d below).
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