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Old Mon Feb 25, 2002, 01:30pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is online now
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Re: Re: Don't gotta hit the rim first...don't gotta hit the rim at all!

Originally posted by dblref
Originally posted by Lotto
...if the FT goes in.

Rule 9, Section 1
Art. 2. After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free-thrower:
a . The free-thrower shall release the try within 10 seconds and in such a way that the ball enters the basket or touches the ring or flange before the free throw ends.
Good point about going in! However, and this is probably nit-picking, what if the ball does not go in or touch the ring or flange before the FT ends. In other words, what if it touches the backboard and DOES NOT (can't get the bold to work) touch the ring or flange? Is Art. 2a saying the ball MUST go in or touch the ring or flange? Am I making sense?
If the ball does not (go in or hit the rim) before the FT ends, it's a violation. THis is most often seen when A tries to miss near the end of the game but throws the ball too hard off the backboard -- in fact it's this situation that the rule was designed to address.
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