Originally posted by rainmaker
Originally posted by BBarnaky
This terminology is called team work officiating. I guess it would be a somewhat new term depending on where you live in the country. I would suppose if you lived in the western part of the country you might not understand or have been exposed to this philosophy.
Well, now, Mr. B. Barnaky, thanks so much fer explaynin' this to us'n's. Way Owt West heer, we're still diggin' the ball owt of the peach basket after each and ev'ry shot. When we're ready to jet on up into the 21st cintery, we'all will be givin' you a call to hop yer pony and ride on owt this-a-way. This kind'a larnin' is jest more than we kin handle all at onct-like.
Juulie,you just broke me up-at 4:30am.Just woke up and I hope I didn't wake my wife up laughing.The judge from France awards you a 6.0!

Btw,I think I first heard about the concept of "team work officiating" in my first year of reffing-which was 43 years ago.I guess I'm just lucky that I FINALLY found someone with the knowledge to make me finally understand the philosophy.