Thread: Correct call ?
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Old Sun Mar 04, 2007, 10:32pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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10-1-6 . . . Have more than five team members participating simultaneously.
PENALTY: (Art. 6) Penalized if discovered while being violated.

That means while the ball is live. If the officials didn't notice that the team had six out there until the ball became dead, then issuing a technical foul was incorrect.

As for the FTs being shot in the wrong order:

8.7 SITUATION B: B1 fouls A1 just as the first quarter ends and then A1 retaliates and intentionally contacts B1. A1's foul is a technical foul as it occurred during a dead ball. Team A is in the bonus. The officials by mistake administer the penalty for the technical foul before the free throw(s) by A1. RULING: The penalties should have been administered in the order in which the fouls occurred. However, since all merited free throws were attempted it does not constitute a correctable error situation. The second quarter will begin with an alternating-possession throw-in. (4-19-5c)

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