Originally Posted by PeteBooth
The aformentioned is simple and looks professional if done the right way.
As Ozzy says you as BU should get into proper position but sometimes in a 2 person system it is difficult especially if you have R2 and are in "C".
Let's assume Ozzy has the dish and I'm the BU and I am unsure if F3 has the bag or not. I am not going to wait until after the play. I simply say "Ozzy did he have the bag" or something similiar. Ozzy in turn will give me what he saw. However, the call is STILL MINE. All I am doing is asking for specific info and then I will make the call.
IMO, it looks professional and the game keeps moving. If you wait, then the Coach will request TIME, go talk to the BU who might or might not ask the PU for help etc. that all takes needless time away from the game.
Bottom Line: Do not get in the habit of using the PU as a "'cruch" all the time on the swipe tag pulled foot, however, if you do need help do it before the play is over. It looks professional.
Pete Booth
Good information Pete, but hey if I stay in B then I'm always in position ...
Its BU's call and he should always make the call. (that's to make it look professional as the question asked)
Making the call and then asking gives the impression that you had doubts about the call and then that the PU is "changing the call."