Tom - I'm curious as to why you have your feelings about Welmer?
I may have mentioned this before, but since we are in a Big 10 town, our local paper has done a "end-of-season" survey and article of various Big 10 players at the end of both football and basketball seasons. They ask all the standard questions, like "Who's the best player?" "Who's the best coach?" and "What team has the best fans?". They even ask some off-the-wall questions, like, "Which player would you least like to meet in a dark alley?" But one question they've asked is "Who's your favorite referee?" And it seems like for the last 3 or 4 years, Steve Welmer has been at the top of that list, usually by a wide margin over the next person listed. The comments associated usually include things like, "He's fair", or, "He'll talk to you and let you know what you did."
Granted, this is a survey of players, not supervisors. But it does say there's something about him that puts him in a positive light with the players on the court. And supervisors must like him, because you see him all the time. So, he must be doing something right?
M&M's - The Official Candy of the Department of Redundancy Department.
(Used with permission.)
Last edited by M&M Guy; Wed Feb 28, 2007 at 03:29pm.