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Old Wed Feb 28, 2007, 08:30am
ozzy6900 ozzy6900 is offline
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Originally Posted by blindofficial
So how do you change a call and make it look as professional as possible? For example; the post regarding the 1B pulling his leg off the bag due to a bad throw. FU calls him out, while PU sees otherwise.. FU asks for help and the call is eventually overturned. Now what? The guy is in the dugout.. You gotta go grab him and get him back on first.. What do you say to the manager who is now obviously ticked because now the guy is safe instead of out...
How do you make it look professional?

1. Get in position! That is the biggest reason these calls are missed.

2. Pay attention to the play!

3. If in doubt, go for help before you make the call! Doing this results in one play - one call! The coaches will respect this more than making two calls for one play.

4. See the play, see it again in your head, make the call. No one is rushing you and it is nothing until you call it!
When in doubt, bang 'em out!
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