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Old Tue Feb 27, 2007, 02:58pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Nope, that's a T. There's something magical about the F-bomb, though.
But remember the Casebook which you are others are defending does not make that distinction.

Following the final horn in a game which has Team A leading 62-60, the coach of Team A sprints after the game officials and shouts profanity at the referee who has just left the playing court outside the end line.

RULING: The referee shall charge the coach with a flagrant technical foul and the results of the two free throws will determine whether an extra period will be necessary. The jurisdiction of the officials had not ended as the referee was still within the visual confines of the playing area. (2-2-4)

I read nothing that says the word "Damn" is different than the F-word or the C-word or any number of terms that would be deemed inappropriate.

Originally Posted by Snaqwells
No, the word itself isn't an auto-ejector, but it's all but an automatic T with a very short distance to go for an ejection.
In a MS game, I had a kid come back with "I had the F-ing ball." That was a T. If it was, "You F-ing moron, I had the ball," he would have been watching the rest of the game from the bench.
Then we agree on some level. Even you are making judgments based on circumstances. I just take the issue with the words "automatic." I have no problem if you decide to just get rid of a player that uses certain words toward you. But do not tell me the casebook or the NF makes it clear what is profanity and what is not profanity. I also want to make it clear; I do not need profanity to decide to eject a player. There are slang terms, racial remark, personal comments that would bring an ejection likely from me and the F-word was never uttered. And it might be something that only myself and others like me would understand.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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