Originally Posted by Durham
Nope it was more like Verbal MFing Kung Fu!
I remember a game a couple of years ago where a coach who I know quite well came out on me because I called his stealing runner out at second. He is one of those coaches that never gets thrown out because he never says anything to get himself thrown out. When he yells, it is usually just so everybody knows he is out "protecting his player". Never any disparaging comments, personal insults, questioning your actual judgment, or any crap like that. He just argues stuff like "are you sure you had the right angle to see that?", or "is that really the rule?". It is almost comical. I usually give him a little time to say his peace and I know I will not hear from him for the rest of the game.
Anyway, in said game, he is out there asking all the usuals, and my fairly new partner (about 4 years umpiring) comes out and says "Come on guys, lets go". The coach turns and looks at him, turns towards me with that look of like "Who is this guy?", turns back to my partner and asks "Who the heck are you? I was discussing this with your partner!", turns back to me and says "Thanks for listening", and heads off to his dugout.
From this point on, the assistant from that team started taking little sniper shots about balls and strikes from the dugout on my partner, of which, he didn't deal with at all! LOL
I am not sure if he really learned any kind of lesson there because the post game didn't go so well for various other reasons. He didn't get any Varsity assignments after the pre-season.