My Legacy to this forum
This whole stop sign controversy started with one of my postsand me describing when I used it (which did end up in a T). However, Friday night, I had a situation that I know some would've used the stop sign.
Home team (Falcons) were Hosting the Rangers. Boys JV. Falcons coach is usually very calm. Two pretty good teams. Falcons lead most of the game 6-10 points. With about 4:00 in the game Rangers put a little run together to close to 7. I am lead as Falcons have the ball. Rangers player tips away ball from behind as Falcons player drives the lane. Before the ball goes out of bounds, it hits off the chest of a Falcons player. I call blue and point the other way. In hind sight I realize that the Falcons player had his back to the bench and there is no way anyone byt me saw the play. As I get ready to administer the throw in the Falcons coach says out loud for the whole gym to hear, "Come on Ignats, don't start screwing me now."
I didn't give him the stop sign. I Whacked him. I'm sure in my first couple of years the stop sign is all I would've given him. But now I won't tolerate anyone questioning my integrity like that.