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Old Mon Feb 19, 2007, 12:39pm
jkjenning jkjenning is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 346
when to not whistle a T

I'd be interested in hearing whether any veterans have decided it is best to not whistle a T which is assessed during a dead ball. For instance, a foul is called on B1 who just clobbered A1 during a layup attempt and as you are turning to report the foul B1 decides to mouth off. Is it best to assess the T without a whistle?? I'm thinking that it might help keep the game more calm and in control overall if a whistle is not used, but I won't know that from experience for several more years. What are the benefits/pitfalls of whistling, or not whistling, on a dead ball T?

Similar instances would be:
dunking before the game
illegal substitution
coach's demeanor during a dead ball

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