Mon Feb 18, 2002, 03:22pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
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Originally posted by Dave Brost
I think the NBA official did the right thing in wiping out the basket, calling a lane violation, and reshooting the free throw.(Although, not sure if NBA is the same rules). In High School, even though we as officials do preventative officiating in making sure that the defense occupies the lowest spot, if we miss it, then it is a violation on the defense for not having occupied this spot. This is a delayed call, so if the free throw is good, no call made. If missed, you make the call and reshoot the FT. This is why preventative officiating of this type can save you a lot of grief later on.
Not quite, Dave. In NF, this would be a double violation - one for B not occupying the lower block and one for A occupying the lower block. If it's the last shot, go to the arrow.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."