Originally posted by crew
ok, here is the scenario(hypothetical).
tie ball game, 14 sec. in the game. kansas vs duke
you are lead table side, ted valentine is trail, and john clougherty is slot
You didn't need to add the word "hypothetical" if you put me in with these guys! The only sentences that precede this situation are simply ludicrous.
"A crew with an 85-year old veteran, an 87-year-old hack, and a 65-year-old grandma? Sure!! No problem!!"
"We are going to bring up a 45-year-old woman who has only done JV, because that "motherly" instinct makes the boys feel so much more relaxed and at home on the floor!!"
Or, "Oh, no, the woman that was supposed to work tonight has sprained her ankle in the parking lot; this game needs 'the woman's touch' and you are the only experienced ref who lives near the Rose Garden. Could you dash down here and fill in this evening?"