Originally Posted by Ref Daddy
Our play was to follow the "spirit of the rules" and look for uniform CONFORMITY. We then said that all players on the team go multi-colored or none do. We didn't want a select few to do it and stand out or "draw attention to themselves".
The problem is that the NFHS rulesmakers have already designated what parts of the uniform must be...well.... uniform. And none of the rules that they put in apply to shorts, socks, shoes, color of knee braces, etc., etc. Geeze, did you try and make 'em all wear the same color shoes too? Die their hair all the same color? If not, whatinthe heck is the difference?
Let the leagues and/or state worry about this crap. It just ain't our problem and it also has absolutely nuthin' to do with us. Your association is just sticking their nose in where it doesn't belong.
Lah me........