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Old Sun Feb 17, 2002, 03:59pm
crew crew is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 451
ok, here is the scenario(hypothetical).
tie ball game, 14 sec. in the game. kansas vs duke
you are lead table side, ted valentine is trail, and john clougherty is slot.
kansas' best player is handling the ball and attempts a drive to the basket from between you and ted valentine clearly on strong side of the court. as he picks up his dribble he takes 2 steps and has the ball low in his mid section with both hands. the play develops and rolls to where you have a clear angle on the play. shane boozer(duke) swings up and hits the ball loose but the kansas player regains control high in his chest area. jon clougherty blows his whistle and calls a travel.
what would you do in this scenario?

be serious with your answer, and put some thought into it.
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