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Old Wed Feb 14, 2007, 08:44am
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
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Originally Posted by SMEngmann
I think the NBA has done a good job with this aspect of the game with it's new "respect for the game" points of emphasis. I have noticed in some of the college games I've watched that there hasn't been much of a trickle down, and the same in HS (though less of a problem at the HS level) featuring the top players. The NBA will T players for acting out, like screaming at opponents, gesturing to the crowd and popping their collars up and down the court, and I'm not seeing a lot of the same stuff being called at lower levels. I think it would be a good thing, particularly the way the game is going, for that to be tightened up in HS and college.
We had 4 technicals last night in a 79-78 OT upset for unsportsmanlike conduct. All in the first quarter!

SMEngmann, every official must make sure they are doin their part to make sure bad sportsmanship is penalized.
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