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Old Tue Feb 13, 2007, 07:58am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by justshutup
On same try, B is whislted for throwing elbows, a violation while shot is in air. I believe play is whistled dead, no goal, and A's ball at pt. of interruption.
Almost--POI is not the correct restart of play. The game is resumed with a throw-in at the OOB spot nearest to where the excessive elbow swinging violation occurred.

9.13.1 SITUATION: The ball has been released on a field-goal try or tap by A1 towards A's basket: (a) A2, or (b) B1, excessively swings arm(s) or elbow(s) without contacting an opponent. The ball goes through the basket. RULING: In (a), the official will sound the whistle immediately for a violation. The ball is dead, the goal is not scored. In (b), the ball is dead when the try ends. The goal is scored and Team A is awarded a throw-in at the spot closest to the violation. (6-7-9 Exception d)

POI is very specific rule and only applies in certain situations. It is defined as follows:
ART. 1 . . . Method of resuming play due to an official's accidental whistle, an interrupted game, as in 5-4-3, a correctable error, as in 2-10-6, a double personal, double technical or simultaneous foul, as in 4-19-8 and 4-19-10.
ART. 2 …Play shall be resumed by one of the following:

a. A throw-in to the team that was in control at a spot nearest to where the ball was located when the stoppage occurred.
b. A free throw or a throw-in when the stoppage occurred during this activity or if a team is entitled to such.
c. An alternating-possession throw-in when the point of interruption is such that neither team is in control and no goal, infraction, nor end of quarter/extra period is involved.
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