Originally Posted by Junker
I'm just nit-picking here, but did the coach ask you a direct question to cause you to go give him an explanation? If he's just complaining don't go to him, it will only lead to problems. If they have a legitimate question, head on over. I had the bad habit of initiating conversations with coaches early in my career. You're going to bring on more problems than you are going to solve if you are the one initiating the interaction.
I was basically in front of his bench as I was reporting the foul to the table. He asked me point blank why I didn't call three seconds. A valid question on its own, despite this situation. I went to answer him for three reasons:
- He asked a direct question about the reason for a call or non-call. Game Management dictates that I at least answer a direct question from a coach about a specific call.
- If I ignore that same question, he will take a more antagonistic view of me because he would feel that I disrespected him. (and he would have a case)
- He will continue to whine about three seconds which will annoy us to the point of whacking him anyway .