Fri Feb 09, 2007, 02:03pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: WI
Posts: 825
I disagree strongly with even asking the coach to initialize anything. What are you gonna do if he doesn't want to do it?
Nothing, except if there is an error, I won't have to listen to his excuses that someone else is at fault.
And, if he doesn't want to do it and a mistake is made by the "home" team's bookkeeper, are you still gonna call a T?
You bet - if he is too stuffy, arrogant, busy or whatever too take a few seconds to check! If ya don't have the ba!!s - you shouldn't be on the court.
It is NOT the coach's responsibility to ensure table personnel has entered the data properly. He should have already checked it for accuracy when he SUBMITTED it to the table personnel. If you determine that he submitted it properly and correctly, why the T?
That is exactly what you would be trying to ascertain by having him look it over and initial - or just having him confirm everything is ok. No finger pointing at scorekeeper to try and cover an intentional or inadvertant error, or for them to cover their azz.
Bottom line, the coach's initialization does not relinquish his team's opportunity for you to use common sense in determining if the coach was at fault, or the table personnel was at fault.
Bottom line - having him check it over is COMMON SENSE so that you can alleviate any potential problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 When I want your opinion - I'll give it to you!