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Old Thu Feb 08, 2007, 12:11pm
OklahomaRef OklahomaRef is offline
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Posts: 35
Originally Posted by truerookie
Seriously, depends on where they are standing. The kid standing by the coach in the team bench area when the horn sounds WHACK!!. The kid and coach standing at X in front of table horns sounds "let's go 15 coach (former official) I did not get my 20 sec horn don't worry about WHACK!! no difference. Like it was stated before clean up the behavior.
I don't fell like I really need to clean up my behavior. I am very respectful to the kids and the officials. When I got the first technical I was trying to kill some momentum for them, and build some for us. I wasn't irate when I got it, I just basically asked for it. I had plenty of coaches do the same when I was officiating. I never took it as they were out of control or anything like that. The thing is is that after I got the T the opposing team missed both free throws, we forced a turnover and went to the line. It was a huge momentum swing. I remember coaches that made fools of themselves and I'm not going to be like that. However, if I think getting a technical in a certain situation will help us win, I am going to do so.
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