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Old Thu Feb 08, 2007, 11:26am
truerookie truerookie is offline
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Originally Posted by Eastshire
Here's why I don't get. The OP has a player standing right next to him. Obviously this is the kid going in. When the horn sounds, why doesn't the referee just bring the kid in? That's what I'm going to do. "Ok 15 let's get in here."

I think it's clear that he has designated the sub so get the sub in. The T should be reserved for the coach who just stands there and stares at you for 30 seconds.
Seriously, depends on where they are standing. The kid standing by the coach in the team bench area when the horn sounds WHACK!!. The kid and coach standing at X in front of table horns sounds "let's go 15 coach (former official) I did not get my 20 sec horn don't worry about WHACK!! no difference. Like it was stated before clean up the behavior.
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