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Old Sun Feb 04, 2007, 09:34am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by BoomerSooner
Sorry to go on and on and then post again. But I did question the use of the video monitor in this situation. Being to lazy to pull up the NCAA manual (should just make it a favorite), I didn't think this was a situation that was allowed by rule to be reviewed by monitor. I know fouls can be reviewed with regard to the time on the clock when the foul occurred, or which player was guilty of the foul, or who should be on the line if there is uncertainty. My understanding was, however, that a judgement call could not be reviewed. I thought it could only be a case of trying to find definite information. I'm sure I'll be educated by somebody, but this just concerned my as I was watching it live.
Without even looking I can tell you that you are incorrect about that point.

I know because Dan_ref corrected me on this just a couple of weeks ago.
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