Originally Posted by bob jenkins
The balk is *ignored* for the runner (since he advanced a base; thus the out stands), but *enforced* for the batter (the pitch is ignored and the batter remains with a 2-2 count)
So you're saying the balk is ignored AND enforced on the same play. That's got to be fun to explain to the coaches!!!
Just to reinforce:
Situation: R1 and R3. Wild pitch with balk call. R1 takes second and rounds thinking about stealing third. R1 notices that R3 had a brain fart and is still standing on third. R1 is then thrown out going back to second.
In this situation, because R3 never advanced a base, the balk is enforced. The ball is dead, R3 is awarded home and R1 is awarded second. Everyone is safe.
Because it is a wild pitch, the Approved Ruling section kicks in and: Ball is dead, R3 is awarded home and because R1 had advanced past his awarded base the out stands.
Which result is correct??