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Old Wed Jan 31, 2007, 07:43pm
Mountaineer Mountaineer is offline
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Various comments on some of the comments here:
  • The judge is a Huntington circuit court judge - do you think he'd rule against OJ?
  • The assistant coach is not part of the school administration - he is simply an assistant coach of the team. The principal has said publically that they were not a part of the legal proceedings and that their position is that OJ has been suspended and should sit the next two games - then the court ruled otherwise.
  • OJ really doesn't need to worry about rules in college - or classes either for that matter - he's going to USC next year and then the NBA after that. He would be a certain lottery pick this year if he were allowed to participate in the draft.
  • This morning they interviewed the guy that keeps the clock at the Civic Center - he's a very nice guy. His exact words were "WHEN (empahsis mine) OJ bumped the official it appeared their legs got tangled."
Now for an update - according to my sources, the situation is settled. I'm not at liberty to divulge the details until the story breaks publically, but I think people will be pleasantly surprised at the outcome. I think that it will put some closure to the entire situation. Hopefully, I'll be able to post the details tomorrow, if it's not already posted somewhere on the net . . . Apparently, OJ and Mike Hayden reached an agreement before OJ left for Durham.
Larry Ledbetter

The best part about beating your head against the wall is it feels so good when you stop.