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Old Tue Jan 30, 2007, 03:54pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by deecee
JRut -- there comes a time when you have to do what you believe in or put your tail between your legs and keep going the way you were.

Since I dont officiate as my career if I had to put what I believe up against officiating -- well its been fun but the stripes will have to be hung.
I also do this for fun, but I would like to keep doing it. It is not in my hands to determine who plays and who does not play outside of what I do on the court (playing area). The court (legal system) took a position I do not agree with, but I was not in the decision making process.

Originally Posted by deecee
Telling my assignor that I do not agree with what happened and I do not want to officiate the game because I feel strongly against how the refs got railroaded, should count for something. If my assignor says do this game or you are done working for me -- well so long chappy its been real. This is black and white - kid was suspended, coach and kid whine to the courts, court overturn a RULE in OUR sport that we are here to uphold. What's fair? where does the line get drawn? the sad thing is if I were to turn this game back there would be 100's of officials just clammoring at the chance to work the game.
The assignor did not make the decision either. This was between the state association and the school and the kid. We have nothing to do with this. Taking a stand as you suggest is kind of silly if you ask me. Who are you taking a stand for?

Originally Posted by deecee
I have seen officials complain about "where will the line gets drawn" and when it comes to them then easily step over it. As much as we say we stand behind other officials, the reality is, we do not -- I have worked with so many guys that just cant wait to bad mouth other officials -- that act nice in front of these so called officials they dont like then just stab that knife in their back when they arent looking. WE DONT HAVE OUR OWN BACKS so like the saying "Its for the kids" (which I completely disagree with) -- I also disagree that officials REALLY have other officials backs -- its easy to say but I have seen time and time again officials jump at the chance to screw a fellow official over.
You keep comparing something about "Having someone's back" and that is not at all the issue. I know I would not be offended if the next set of officials worked a game after I threw a kid out. Sorry, that is a very bad analogy on your part if you ask me.

Originally Posted by deecee
If its different where you work then you are in the promised land of officiating -- no back stabbing, no real support when sh!t hits the fan, to be able to trust everyone that wears the stripes.
I do not expect people that have no power in a situation to all of a sudden "back me up" on something that they have little or no control over. I do not consider it back stabbing for someone to do what they are told if they. The officials that work the game likely do not know the ejecting officials and other than this making big news in the media, probably do not know what really happen.

Originally Posted by deecee
One thing I will note is that I have worked with many officials as well that are not what I have described above -- these guys usually have a few things in common -- they have lots of self-confidence, they have put in their time and have made it to a pretty high level pretty fast (D3-D1 even NBA) and they dont always tell me WHAT I want to hear -- the guy that can tell me hey from what I saw you kicked that call becaus of XYZ -- I respect so much more that when I hear you had a perfect game. Because I KNOW i have NEVER had and NEVER will HAVE a perfect game where 100% of the calls are correct. Inherently we will make a mistake during a game (albeit small usually) we are not perfect. But we are catty...[rant off]

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