Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You really don't get it, do you?
Whatinthehell do you think YOU are doing? You don't know a damn thing about basketball officiating-the rules, mechanics or philosophies- and you've never officiated a basketball game in your damn life...but YOU think that you're eminently qualified to judge top-level NCAA D1 basketball officials? Well, what's wrong with that picture, fanboy?
And you think that I'm being vindicitive, but YOU can't see anything wrong with YOU coming on this website and crapping all over basketball officials.
Give your head a shake, fanboy. Then screw off.
I hope you are watching the OSU and MSU game -- for there again is an example of an officiating error. On an MSU shot under the basket, Oden batted it down (pulled it down) -- and it was ruled by the ref that it hadn't gone above the rim so couldn't have gone in. But the video reply showed CLEARLY that it was above the rim and that goaltending should have been called. By your definition, no one in the entire court could possibly criticize that call -- because they are not officials. Nonsense -- go look at the video of the game - then recant your nonsense.